Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Cultural Relativism... Drives me bonkers

So today I was reading an article on ABC news and realized one thing.... I hate the idea of cultural relativism. Let me rephrase this, I don't like the idea that everything is OK if it's a societies culture. People pull this stuff all the time and it drives me crazy. Now I'm not saying all forms of cultural relativism are bad, for example If one society chooses to eat bugs or meat because it's all that is provided fine.

On the other hand these hippie, liberal, (Yes I'm a liberal) who feel that it's wrong to impose their will on others,ever, grow a pair. Genocide=wrong, denial of rights=wrong, FGM = wrong, slavery = wrong. It strikes me that the same people who fight the death penalty (I'm one) and voluntary student religious groups (Not so much me, but I understand where people are coming from), are the same people that defend cutting off parts of the female genitalia as Cultural Relativism.... Yeah Sure, and it was a great idea killing six million Jewish people in WWII... Wake up people, cultural relativism is nothing but a term for "I don't have enough time to care about everything" just admit it, stop being a hypocrite and care.